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A sad day for me and for everyone - the Racer is going away. Posted 26/8/2001

For more then a month now, my parents tryed to sell the Racer.

Today they were succesful and the Racer is no longer myne.

Starting from tommorow evening the Racer will be owned by someone else.

The Racer was my first car, I loved it very much.

The Racer wount be forgot for a long time to come. Alot of good memories will be shared and told about the Racer. The fun, the enjoyable times, the first car of the gang.

With the Pioneer radio, and later the 80's tapes and the new X generation - the Racer will be always remembered.

There are no words to describe how sad I am.

Sadly, for the next few month I wount have a car. Until my parents decide to buy a new car I will be forced to walk or go by bus.

From now on we will have to depend on Franky's Niva and Ben's Sheby.

I will get a new and better car if I will be able to get better grades in school and show my parents that I'm serious.

As reported, tommorow will be Racer's last day with me.

I will miss the Racer with all my heart.


As an act of homor, respect and sadness this page was painted in black.

I ask that whoever earns the Racer next will treat her well and make sure that noone will ever forget the name..'The Racer'.

The Racer - The final picture.

Arik - the owner of the Racer.

Amir - the one and only infornt - tape man.

Ben - the first to discover Radio Gal

Fruchtman - Herzliya Racer man. Frucht and Amir- the Racer boses.

Franky - before the Niva noone cauld seperate him from the Racer.

Doron - loved the Racer more then anyone else.

Ziva - 1.90m - broke the Racer hight entrance record. Alot of memorable moments.

Enjoyed to go with the Racer more then anything.

Roy - another usual traveler with the Racer.

Samech and Chen: A special place in the Racer memories is saved for them. The first record breaking ride to Raanana - a ride which I'll never forget. Dahkot all the times.

And others.. (sorry if I forgot anyone)

Final goodbye to the Racer -

Farewall Racer - THE BEST CAR EVER!


Racer - the final ending.

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