ANN 2002


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It's over! - and in a bang! Posted 27/4/2002

This is it!!!!

School has come to a final ending.

These were unforgettable 12 years of my life, and specifically the last amazing 3 years at Hayovel high-school.

During this period we transformed from children to adults, we obtained vast new knowlage and we lived a crazy way of life as teenagers.

I will never in my life forget the last 3 years of my life.

I remember the first days of High-School, I remember how tense I was and how afraid I was of this new period of my life.

The sense of worry passed during a matter of days when I got the chance to meet and know my amazing class.

We were called: 'Tehem', 1/4 a computer class and 3/4 an ordinary class.

Everyone were sure that Tehem would be different from the rest of the class but that never happened.

Our entire class was one united class, class number 7.

We shared so many amazing experiences together, from the first Yom Gibush of Yud (10th grade) to the dangeres and mysterious pathes of Eilat's mountains (11th grade Tiyul Shnaty) and until our very last second together, yesterday at class.

These were increadible and most unforgettable 3 years of my life.

I had the honor to spend 3 years of my life with an amazing group of students.

From Lina, Moran, Limor, Shenhav and Shirly to Idan, Toya, Noaa, Zohar and Narkis - everyone and I do mean everyone had something special.

In Tehem though we spent most of our time and Tehem was indeed my natural home.

From class number 6 came our other half: Shoostak, Dor, Orit, Michal, Nir Ayalon and Eyal Cohen and from our class came Me, Samech, Chen, Nir, Itamar, Lina, Narkis and Moran.

Together we were inseparable.

From my class I cauld easily go to Yud-Bet 4 where alot of my best friends studied:

Fruchtman, Boxy, Nadav, Ziva, Doron, Aviram, and Roy.

During the last 3 years we've put up our hardest effort in our computer work.

Cre8 was our hope to become successful and to earn money from the Internet.

We've created an amazing website, created and impruved new team-working techniques and created a democratic environment and a strong managing structure.

We were very close but we never got there.

We never earned any money and Cre8 came to an end late last year.

Nevertheless, Cre8 was an important mild stone in our transformation from children to adults and Cre8 gave us alot of important experience and alot of unforgettable and enjoyable moments.


The final day in school was one of the most amazing and crazy days I have ever experienced!!!!

The day begun when our class, Yud-Bet 7 united once more to spend our last hour together.

We ate, drank and had alot of fun.

After the meeting in class it was time to launch the celebrations!!!!

All of our Shihva (all Yud-Bet, 12th grade) students met at the school's soccer field.

As soon as we arrived the party begun!!

The ending ceremony begun:

This ceremony was organized by students and the ceremony was all about making jokes on our teachers and fellow classmates and it was increadible!!

We cauld not stop laughing!!

The ceremony ended in a bang when suddenly everyone started spraying everyone and throwing water on everyone!!

The water fight marked the end of the first part of the celebrations when the second, main part begun!!!!

Everyone ran to their cars and started decorating them!!

We transformed the Racer Turbo into the mighty: Tehem mobil!! and drove the car to the back area parking.

In the parking lot hundreds of cars united to form the biggest Rondeo ever!!

The first car bagun driving towards the beach and others followed!!

Police looked desperate as we jammed every road we passed threw.

We stopped every 100-200 meters and everyone got out of the cars and begun dancing and spraying fellow cars (it was simply amazing!! - imagine 400 cars stopping, blocking the whole road and more then 500 students getting out and begining to dance!!)

The Rondeo ended at the beach where everyone got out and sat on the sand.

The weather was abit cold so the final part of the celebrations: the beach party ended after about an hour and everyone, happy and tired, made their way home.

It was an amazing and unforgettable ending to our 3 years in High-School and 12 years of study!!!!


The Bagruyot Period has now kicked in.

Every couple of days now I will have a major test and these tests will help to determine my future.

As for school, the official school year might have ended but the bonus classes still continue.

Me and the Rest of Tehem will continue coming to school every couple of days, each time for a period of about 2 hours.

We still haven't finnished all the meterial in Tehem and students need help with their final project work.

Math lessons will also continue every once in a while.

These classes are titled Bonus classes or Hashlamot in Hebrew thus I can choose to come or not to come.

I will to the Tehem classes, but I have not yet decided if I want to continue coming to the Math classes.

Celebrations and ceremonies are also far from over yet: we still have a prom night and a big party for parents and students in the near future.

The Bagruyot Period will end just before my army service will kick in.

ANN, as always, will keep you updated on all the upcoming events.

ANN will come to an end when I will write my final Bagrut, just before the army.

More information will be given soon, so keep on visiting!!!! :)

12 years of school, 3 of them in High-School have come to an end.

G O O D - L U C K to everyone in the future!!!!

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