The Arik Network: ANN
In memory of
the Racer - the most amazing day, part one. Posted 27/8/2001.
Yesterday was Arik's last day with the Racer.
Today, early morning the Racer was taken away.
In honor of the Racer, and the last day of Arik driving
with the Racer, Cre8 members and friends went to an amazing adventure
which will be never forgotten.
This was one of the most amazing days of my life.
This day gave honor to the Racer, and made sure that
noone will ever forget the name: Racer!.
The day begun in the early hours of evening with a
relaxing DND game in which two characters died. :(
Doron's monk died and another little bich :) - namely
Franky's little NANAS.
Most of us climbed to the next level though.
Then we took the Niva and the amazing Racer to the
In the mall we went to play bowling.
The bowling game was the stage for the most amazing
and best game we have ever played.
We decided to devide ourselves into two teams.
Master Shvinky was there and arranged everything.
All hail Shvinky!
The two teams were:
The 4 player team: Doron "romeo" Ravid,
Eyal "boyscout" Frank, Roy "lazyboy" Ofer and
Amir "nehir" Buksboum.
The all star-four team had 1 person advantage and
all the bets went to a straight and easy victory.
Against those odds stood the 3 player team:
Arik "SuperUkranian" Liderman, Lior "Zvex"
Ziva and Guy "I-king" Fruchtman.
Yotam joined us, withouht playing and earned the title
of Zoher Bahalul.
Yotam's commentry was amazing, it was increadible
and we all laughed withought control. Yotams reactions to the events
of the game (which will be told soon) were amazing and people all
around looked and watched the increadible game. Even Master Shvinky
joined us for a couple of minutes. All hail Shvinky!
The game begun with a good start for the 3 player
underdog team.
SuperUkranian suffered from bad luck, and took down
9 pins almost every turn. A weak begining by the 4 player team gave
the early advantage of 8-12 points to the 3 player team.
Zvex, IKing and SuperUkranian, all masters in the
dark and negative energy magic - tryed to pass the bad luck to the
four player team.
Suddenly it all went wrong. The 3 player team begun
to miss and the amazing Nehir along with Lazyboy, Boyscout and Romeo
pushed the 4 player team forward.
The advatage passed to the 4 player team.
It continued to rise and stopped on 30 point advantage
to the 4 player team in the middle of the game.
This huge advantage rose the moral for the 4 player
team, Yotams shouts towards the 3 player team were heared everywhere
and I-king begun to lose patience and started hiting his teammates.
It was after the middle of the game, it looked desprate
for the 3 player team. Only SuperUkranian still remained optimic
singing - "I can't I can't, I can't stand losing.." to
chear up his teammates.
The 3 player team barely managed to hold the high
gap of 30.
It came after the middle of the game.
The 4 player team exploded with amazing strikes and
Everyone were amazed, Yotam's cheering shouts - "Wow!
another strike by Nehir!!!" ... And the 3 player team was shocked,
unable to move.
The gap rised sweaftly and reached increadible 60
This is one of the higest gapes reached during our
SuperUkranian, the most optimic player of the first
team was shocked. I-King begun to break Zvex's bones while Zvex
despertly shouted in panic.
SuperUkranian stood up and went to the 4 player team.
He was greated by laughes and histeric happiness. Nehir pointed
out that SuperUkranian's winning record has come to an end and the
rest of his team mates were filled with joy.
Yotam continued with his excellent commentry pointing
out how good are the 4 player team, and that although the 3 player
team lacks a player, they still put up a good fight although they
are a bunch of losers who really suck!
3 rounds to go, a 60 point gap, a happy and joyful
team vs a broken and panicing team.
The silence..
Zvex coming to throw - nonone really pays attention
as the celebration continues.
He shoots - it's a strike!
Too little to late shouts Yotam and the 4 player team
agrees with every word.
Next, IKing arrives to do something to save his own
and his teams honor.
He shoots - it's a strike!!
Unbelivabe - strike after strike! Yotam is now silent,
the 4 player team suddenly stopps laughing and falls silent trying
to figure out what went wrong.
The gap falls to 30. Romeo and ScoutBoy exchage worried
It's UkranianBoy now.
He had no luck during the whole game, 3 rounds until
the end - no strikes and no spares - only 9's and lower. Noone belives
he cauld make it.
He shoots - It's a strike!!!
Increadible! another stike - UkranianBoy breaks the
IKing can't belive his own eyes, Zvex jumps from his
The silent and losing team suddenly awakens to life
as silence falls on the 4 player team.
Yotam can't belive his eyes, he shouts something -
noone listens - noone can't belive what's going on here!
The gap is almost gone!!
Iking is on a verge of getting a heart attack - istead
of hiting Zvex and SuperUkranian he begins to jump and dance - Zvex
joins him - SuperUkranian can't belive his own eyes!
DOUBLE STRIKE = 6 Strikes in a row!!!!
Yotam shouts to everyone around him - people are looking
- Master Shvinky looks towards us. All hail Shwinky!
60 point advantage now turns to 10 point advantage
to the 3 player team!!
Last round -
Everyone are silent and standing - It's the most amazing
game they have ever seen.
Iking, Zvex and SuperUkranian can't belive their own
They already gave up, SuperUkranian already admited
the defeat, they caulden't belive, noone caulden't belvie that such
comeback is possible. In two rounds they turned a 60 point lose
to a 10 point lead.
The adrenaline is amazing - everyone are jumpy silent
and watching.
Nehir tryes to save he's teams honor - he can't -
only 5 points.
Romeo is up next, IKing waits, his teammates are standing
and watching.
Romeo fails. The four player team can't belive it
- the stress is killing them, the hands are shacking - they are
IKing is up next. The adrenaline reaches critical
levels as SuperUkranian looks towards IKing as he prepares to take
the shot.
9 down! That's 18 in a total after a strike - and
the advantage returns to 10.
ScoutBoy is up next. Two players to go for each team.
A thin 10 point margine.
It's unbelivable - such atmospehre was never seen
before. Yotam's commentry is amazing as he explains the stunned
audiance what is going on.
ScoutBoy shoots - it's a spare!!!!!
Unbelivable!! what a comeback!!!!
SuperUkranian is on the verge of passing out - looking
at his team mates. The advantage is gone!
The four player team looks amazed at each other- it's
not over!
ScoutBoy has a second shot after the spare. 3 pins
are down - that's 6 in a total.
The four player team leades by 6!!
SuperUkranian is up next, IKing tells him that this
is a historical game, a one to be remembered - for the honor of
the Racer.
SuperUkranian shots - he gets 8 - 16 in total after
the strike.
The lead is back to the 3 player team!! - Yotam is
going crazy!
The advantage is back to 10!
One man left...
Everyone are looking...
These are the most unbelivable moments...
Cre8 members and freinds decide to pause the game
at this cucial moment and go to pay for a second game.
After a minute everyone are back - looking and watching.
LazyBoy prepares to take his last shot...
Nehir is trying to encourage him... everyone are silent
- Only Yotam's voice is heard...
He shoots - 5 pins are down - that's 10 after a spare
in his previous round.
Unbelivable - It's a tie again!
LazyBoy takes his second shot - 3 pins are down!
13 points in a total - the lead is back to the 4 player
team - they are up by 3!!
Unbelivable! Only 3 points separate the two teams,
one man left...
This is the final moment...
Iking is going wild - SuperUkranian's eyes are going
The silence before the shot...
Zvex is ready...
Everyone are waiting...
Nehir looks green.. Romeo is about to die if he loses,
ScoutBoy prepares to quit for Dukim... LazyBoy... well LazyBoy will
stay lazy...
They all hope for a miss - or less then 3 point shot...
they are hoping that the stress will kill Zvex...
SuperUkranian and IKing are waiting... they are about
to colapse - the stress is killing them!!
*music begins*
Zvex stands...
Takes the ball...
He is ready...
The silence...
He takes the shot...
The ball is on his way....
It's a strike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*music continues*
IT'S A VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!
Increadible! The underdogs did it!
It took seven rounds, and a 60 point advantage to
the 4 player team to awaken the fighting spirit of the 3 player
The four all-stars are red, one green, they are about
to begin crying...
Iking jumps in the air as SuperUkranian shouts something
in ukranian, Zvex jumpes and almost falls from joy -
What a celebration - they didn't belive they can do
it but they did - AMAZING!!
SuperUkranian stands, it's the end of the show.
It's time for the historical theme: "I CAN'T,
A game in honor of the Racer, a game which will never
be forgotten.
----To be continued----
Increadible victory for the 3 player team!
In honor of the Racer, 1999-2001.
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