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People In spot light: Adi Segal. Posted 27/10/2001

First of all, before I begin, I would like to thank Adi for his patience with me.

I know that for a moment there you thought that I neglected you or maby forgot the spot-light - but belive me you are very wrong.

Ladies and gentlemen I would like to take this opportunity to present to you Adi Segal!

1 in a Billion is the right defenition for Adi.

In my whole lifetime I have never met a more funny guy then Adi.

He is truly the king of Dahkot Ktayim and Pzazot La Gabot!

When I hang out with him I have can't stop laughing!

He is simply the king of good time!

Adi has earned the nickname "Samech" which means: King of Jokes in Hebrew.

I want to thank Adi for his dahkot and the amazing and increadible time I have, had and will have with him.

Belive me, if it waren't for him, I would have probably left school.


Most of the people don't really know Adi.

If you search and look deeply into his character you can find alot of wounderful things.

It may look like he is never serious and can't stop laughing, but sometimes he can be very serious and you can discover a good friend and a good person inside.

During alot of occasions and hard moments, he was a great friend and ofered his help.

Adi's biggest talent is in directing and filming movies, he is a great actor too.

The future is open for him, and I seriouly believe that his wishes will come true and he will become a movie director.


One thing today is certian,

I will never ever forget Adi, wherever I go and whatever I do because I have never in my life had the amout of good time I had with him.

In the future, I belive, he will become also alot more serious and people will finally give him the amount of respect he deserves to have.

I would like to thank Adi for all he has done for me. Thank you very much!

You have created amazing Tashdirim, and the funniest Flash series I have ever seen.

Your hard effort and work will be never forgotten. Thank you.

I would like to appologize to Adi for the long delay in the spot-light.

Belive me, you are not the last and never had been.

Adi is a good friend of myne, and I intend to remain a good friend of him in the future.

Nothing can change this fact. Nothing.


I did hear Idan Adi, I will do my best to make things right.

Adi "Samech" Segal

Lagaat Ba Ony! - one of Adi's projects.

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