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Space, the final frontier.. ANN takes a look at the final frontier. Posted 30/11/2001

Space, the final frontier.

Space and it's unlimited borders is indeed the final frontier.

The answers of life and the very basic questions we ask ourselvs today will be answered one day when humanity will turn from killing and fighting each other to the final frontier.

This quest will begin one day and it will be the biggest quest humanity has ever taken.

For hundreds of years humanity belived that earth is flat and that it is the center of the universe, for hundreds of years people were persicuted by religion for daring to think otherwise, until the day has come and brave people stood up and fought for the truth.

The situation hasen't changed much during the years, exept the very basic goals we are trying to achieve.

100 years ago the Write brothers tried to create a primitive machine which will be able to fly without wings, in the 1950's humanity broke the barier of our atmospehere and for the first time we touched the outer space, in 1969 the first human being landed on another planet and today we are aproaching the final frontier.

Like the very basic consept we were able to change hundreds of years ago, pruving that earth is round and we are not the center of the universe, the same brave step must be taken today.

Religion and holy wars must be put aside once and for all.

I belive that this day will come true.

In order to break the final frontier we must abandon our primtive ways and look forward for a greater goal.

Yes, we can fight and kill each other until we will all die one day, either of lack of food and space or by a major war, this would be the easy solution.

In the past, we cauld have made the same choice, live in denail, throw stick and stones at each other, that would have been the easy solution too.

But humanity has never taken the easy path. We were born to evolve.

Brave people stood up, searched and looked for answeres and here we are today, standing on the verge of the greatest adventure of them all.

The brave people must stand up again, and we must help them to lead us to a better future.

The answers are couple of light years away and in order to get to them we must break the final frontier.

This is not a dream, it's a vision.

A vision which will one day become true.

Space, the final frontier...

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