The Arik Network: ANN
2001: Arik's
look and a look towards the future
2001, the year of terror and pain.
2001, The year of hopes for a better future.
Domesticly and world-wide this year was a year to
Dramatic events domineted our lives 24 hours a day.
News every 30 minutes, every 30 minutes something
A year of terror.
Until September the 11th we thought that we were alone.
How true was this statement?
Bombs went off every day, people shot and killed on
the roads, mortar shells fired at towns and villages, suicide bombers
blowed up, we had it all.
The Israeli society is today alot different then it
used to be.
Two years ago we were certian that peace was so near
The pain of giving up parts of Jeruslam and the Golan
Heights was still fresh. Our small country was prepared to give
it all up for peace.
Today we know that Arafat wanted more, he wanted to
bring to Israel 5 million arabs and by this to transform the state
of Israel into one big Palestinian state with a small Jewish community,
this was Arafat's peace proposal: to destroy our country.
Of course he didn't agree to Camp David and Israel's
offer was ignored. The rest is well known.
Since the Intifada erupted more then 200 people were
killed and as many as 3000 were, and some still are injured and
Between the fear and the anxiety 2001 brought up new
hopes for a better future.
Since the horrble terror acts of September the 11th,
new hopes emerged.
As the terroristic Taliban regime and the Al-Keida
terror network fell new hopes of end of terror were thrown into
the air.
I hope and pray that the free world will eliminate
ALL terror from the world.
May 2002 pruve that I am right.
One event, one moment which turned and changed our
history, a date to be always remembered: September the 11th.
Since that day the free world has changed.
The U.S. relized the dangers of terror and stood up
to fight.
Along with the U.S. other free nations of the world
joined and together a new anti-terror coalition was formed.
The U.S. is the leader of the fight, A fight to end
Once again the U.S. was challanged.
2001 showed us that noone is safe.
Today the war against terror continues.
I hope and pray that 2002 will simbolize the total
end of terror world-wide.
No more will there be good and bad terrorists, a total
end of terror activity must be achieved.
I hope and pray that 2002 will pruve that I'm right.
2001 was the begining of the end of everything I knew.
School, my life as a young naive student begun to
One by one myths and other childish activities dissapeared
as new reality emerged.
Major tests begun coming on a regular basis, and the
final countdown until the army begun.
I begun driving in 2001.
I also recieved a wounderful car, a car which will
be always remebered.
4 month ago I sold my car and during 2002, hopefuly,
I will be able to drive again - on a new Racer: Racer Turbo!
I hope and pray that the major change I will go threw
(the end of school, begining of the army service) will pass as well
as possible.
May 2002 be a year of new friendships and new hopes,
May the year 2002 strenghten the friendships I have
I hope and pray that 2002 will pruve that I'm right.
Alot of fun, alot of school, alot of fear, alot of
hope, 2001 had them all.
ANN and The Arik Network played a major role during
the countless events of 2001.
ANN kept you updated 24 hours per day, major events,
personal news, project updates, funny articles, ANN had it all.
Without ANN, I believe, the net would have been alot
more boring.
I'm very proud of what this site has achieved.
The Arik Network will continue to function for about
3 more month, after that ladies and gentlemen, this amazing site
will fade into the darkness as the army will begin to dominate my
After more then 600 articles, countless files, interviews,
spot-lights, and pictures ANN has earned the title of one of the
best news sources around.
Hopefuly, you will agree with me.
Let us hope for the best in the future.
May we achieve all our goals and dreams.
We must remember this moment, beacause in a couple
of month nothing will be the same.
Happy new year!
Arik Liderman, Arik Network's and ANN's Webmaster.
© 1999-2001,
The Arik Network, All rights Reserved
---- Pictures that made 2001: ---- (Alot of pictures,
please be patient)
A "peacful" Palestinian demonstration in
Gaza, following the demonstration gunmen and Palestinain snipers
opened fire towards the I.D.F soldiers stationed near-by.
![](tnk.jpg) ![](tanks.jpg) ![](tankidf.jpg)
I.D.F tanks roll forward
I.D.F / I.A.F (Israel Air-Force) commanders, behind
them Israel's F-15 eagle. More then 60 times the I.A.F was called
to hit targets inside the Palestinain cotrolled areas. Smart bombs
and other hi-tech weapones were used to minimize inocent civlian
![](terroramerica.jpg) ![](terrora.jpg)
TERROR: September the 11th, I day which changed history.
![](bombje.jpg) ![](horror2.jpg)
TERROR: Daily life in Israel between deadly suicide
bombings. More then 30 suicide bombers exploded during 2001.
![](samech2.jpg) ![](racerday.jpg)
My life: Me (left picture), Samech during our Tiyul
Shnaty and the Racer (my old car). Countless bowling, soccer and
basketball games with all my friends and alot of fun.
![](abo.jpg) ![](agnet.gif) ![](alik2.jpg)
The Arik Network during 2001: expending forward. Abo,
new writer, AGNet new section, Spot-lights on people and alot more!
![](kirsten_dunst3.jpg) ![](right_image_11.jpg) ![](nat2.jpg)
The beutiful side of 2001
Happy new year and alot of luck in the future!!
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