The Arik Network: ANN
mising: Alik Liderman. If you seen this man call police!
ANN staff and writers have revealed a shocking fact
about the Arik Network's past.
It appears that a man called Alik Liderman created
the Arik Network and not Arik Liderman!
These shocking news were revealed as Sason Cohen,
a worker at the Arik Network offices found a secret door in the
office bathroom.
In the secret door Sason found evidence that clearly
show that indeed Alik Liderman created the Arik Network and not
Arik Liderman.
Arik Liderman quickly denied these claims and said
"everyone blame me for everything, even the shit in the bathroom!"
After a long search and evidence check we discovered
that some of the old Arik Network pages carry copyrights to Alik
ANN continued it's investigation and made some progress
on the question who and where is Alik Liderman.
ANN has found out that a man named Alik Liderman is
indeed alive and found him in a mental care institute in the former
USSR state of Ukraine.
As we were on our way to Ukraine we recieved the following
shocking news:
An airplane crashed into the mental insitute named
after Boris Yeltzin!
After we arrived to Ukraine we discovered to our amazment
another shocking fact:
Alik Liderman managed to escape before the plane hit
the mental institute!
A local police oficer, commander Ivan Brezniev told
ANN: "I saw Alik go fast to car and two man take him in cabe
and run like little girls away from scene!"
After connecting 1+1 we got to a frightening conclusion:
Alik Liderman has escaped and apperantly he now leads
an underground terrorist organization which will try to free The
Arik Network from the hands of Arik Liderman!
His organization is called: "The Underground
Arik News Network" or UNANN.
After alot of hard efforts we finally recieved the
picture of Alik Liderman.
We belive that he maby descised himself and he may
look a little bit different from the way he used to look.
The original Alik Liderman picture:
How we belive he may look today:
This man is a terrorist and he is very dangerous,
if you seen this man call the police immidiatly!
Let's hope that this dangerous man, Alik Liderman,
will be caught as soon as possible before any more damage will be
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