The Arik Network: ANN
writers reveal!
ANN writers worked hard but managed finally to reveal
the most strange and bizzare facts about certian people.
If this report will help to save life, then our efforts
were successful.
Amir Buksboum:
Yet another bizzare fact about Amir Buksboum was discovered
ANN has learned that Amir has a certian problem regarding
new cars.
Sources told ANN that sevral people heard Amir saying
that: "If I see a new car, I just want to lick the paint of
the car!"
What the hell is wrong with Amir? It looks like his
hormons are doing extra hours...
And talking about cars, ANN has recieved some complains
from people saying that a big red russian jeep is stalling the traffic
in the center of Israel.
After a little fact finding we discovered that Eyal
has a red Niva (russian) jeep.
We also discovered that apperantly, 7 month ago, while
taking driving lessons with Amir "Dubel" Talmor Eyal accidently
killed two cats wich were walking on the streets.
Since that day Eyal decided that he wount go faster
then 50KPH..
Speaking about Amir "Dubel" Talmor, sources
told ANN that Amir decided to move to Ukraine and open his own driving
lessons compony after one of his students tryed to comite suicide.
Police sources told ANN that they belive the young
man driving the car recieved a bribe.
One police oficer said that the boy described a young
man, a natural blonde, who offered 100nis, and some sex favors to
the boy and asked him to crash Amir's car.
We don't know about who he is talking about.
But wait, there's more!
The wierdness continues with the following story:
Sources told ANN that they saw a man which apperantly
looked like Guy Fruchtman walking in Bney Brak two days ago.
The sources followed Fruchtman to an Ortodox neigberhood
where he performed the most bizzare act:
He took three chickens, one in each hand and begun
dancing with them.
Boy, something is terribly wrong here..
Another disturbing news came from a local gym.
Sources told ANN that a young man, around 1:90M in
height tryed to break the world lifting record in a local Gym.
Apperantly he tryed to raise more then 500KG even
though most people can't raise 20KG.
Luckily a brave woman saved the young man just before
he tryed to perform this bizzare act.
One hour later the young man returned again and tryed
to perform the same trick. He was stopped again.
Another twenty minutes passed before he returned again
this time trying to sneek in. Sadely, it's not easy to sneek in
when your almost 2mr in height...
After he failed 5 times, he finnaly gave up.
A local instructer at the gym called this incident
"the most bizzare thing I ever seen".
Rememebr people, these events all occured during the
last two weeks, god knows what will happen in the near future.
Indeed this is a very, very strange neigborhood.
Also in the news: police were put on high alert after
a mysterious man tryed to brake and steal 20 different cars in one
night. Amazingly the only car he was able to steel was an old Pegout
Ziva in a local Gym
Amir and a Fructman
Suspect in an aperant attempt of murder - natural
What?! what is this? Who is this sexy woman?!
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