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get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com
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If you want to link your web page to our web page, you'l have to add a link to our web site at your main HTML file. I will add your site link to my list. This way people will be able to enter your web site and people from your web site will be able to enter myne.

Step 1:

Please copy this sites address and paste it on your web site as a link (remember it has to be on the main form or Index)

Step 2:

After you added the link to your site you have to send me a message via E-mail that you have added the URL and where can i find it. E-mail: alikl@fcmail.com

Step 3:

After i checked your web site and found the link i will E-mail you back and answer if i added your link or not. (the answer will come in 5 days max) In the E-mail i'l tell you where you can find your link to your web site which i added.

Good luck. Go backbankrate.com

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get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com
get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com

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Made by: Alik Liderman & Yony Bresler