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get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com
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If you want me to build you your own web site, please E-mail me. I don't know how much it will cost, it depends on how many people will want me to build their page.

Starting cost is 5$ *

Maximum cost: 35$ *

* - only personal homepages. If you want a business site, e-mail me as well.

If I will build your web site i'll add a link to it at my home page! (this page)

Remember i'm only one person so it'l take some time untill you recive an answer.

get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com
get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com
get auto rates at bankrate.com get mortgage rates at bankrate.com get auto rates at bankrate.com

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Made by: Arik Liderman 1999-2000
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