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6 years without Itzhak Rabin. Posted 29/10/2001

6 years ago, in Kikar Malhei Israel in down town Tel-Aviv a Jewish murderer shot and killed Israel's elected Prime Minister Itzhak Rabin.

Rabin was a sign of hope, a simple man with a goal and a vision.

Rabin was elected in 1992.

His goal was to end 100 years of war and to bring peace to the land of Israel.

Rabin and a group of brave people begun a struggle which continues today.

We are certian that the day will come and Rabin's dream will become true.

In order for this tream to come true we need to work hard, to do everything in our power to end the struggle and bring peace.

But first of all we need to end the inside violance and bood-shed.

Those animals and beasts who shouted "Death to Rabin!" "Traitor" and alot of other horrible things should be removed from the normal society.

Those who helped them, and used those beasts to upgrade themselves to the government should be removed from power.

Indeed the majority of the right-wing of Israel understood the message and stopped the madness.

Sadly, there are still those who use our Democrocy to bring chaos and violance.

Those people have to be stopped.

If we want to bring peace we need to have peace among ourselves first.

I call uppon those who still didn't understand to stop the shouts, stop the maddness - stop the violance!

You will not win with force. Peace will come one day.

Itzhak Rabin, we remember.

Main event today in Kikar Rabin in Tel Aviv.

Itzhak Rabin (ZA"L)

Labour, for a better Israel. - Noar Avoda website

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