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Shades of light. Posted 16/2/2002

Shades of light, a mysterious name which hides it's true perpuse.

In 'Shades of grey' I talked about the bad things that happened to me, the grey represented the dark and the bad things around me.

The light, our sun, represents the bright side of humanity, the compassionate and the understanding side of humanity.

My personal goal in life is to try and to become as 'bright' as I can.

This, may be, is our hardest quest in life.

Most of us abandon this goal and choose the easy solution: not to try and to become better, but to become selfish and act only for ourselves, without any mercy or compassione towards the other.

But some of us try to learn and to understand, to listen and to help, and these specific people achive the ultimate satisfaction and happines that life can give us.

Only few of us succeed in this goal, and the road towards the goal has alot of dangers and alot of disappointments along the way.

The hardest part of this road is to see someone you trust betry and leave you behind. The problem with trying to become 'good' is the over-trust you tend to give to alot of people.

This over-trust sometimes boomerangs back towards you and hits you like a rock.

Alot of us stop then, at that moment of crisis, and leave the way becoming no-better then the ones that damaged them.

The mission and the goal is not to stop, but to learn.

Learn, understand - and continue to walk bravely on the road, the road which will finally lead you towards the light.

And what is the light? - The light is your soul.

'The light' is different in each and every one of us, but it's meaning is the same: to act in the best way you can, to be as good as you can towards people, to understand and to have a true heart - to be aware of the other and to respect him.

And at that moment, when you know you are doing your best, you are the happiest person on earth.

I have a long way to go until I will feel this amazing feeling, and I intend to get there.

Everyone make mistakes, we are all humans. We have to learn from our mistakes and to try to make things right next time when we encounter the same situation.

My personal mission in life is to become the best person I can be. I think it's the real perpuse in life, to be a good person and to try to contribute to society and to other people for the next generations to come.

If I will achieve this goal my soul will see the light.

Shades of light.

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