The Arik Network: ANN
People in spot-light:
Amir Buksboum / version 2 Posted 4/11/2001
7 month ago I published my first spot-light, a spot-light
which paved the way for alot more to come.
My first spot-light was about Amir Buksboum.
Today, seven month after the first spot-light debuted
on ANN I decided to re-write (re-new) and re-publish the first spot-light:
Amir studied with me all my life, but became my friend only during
the final days of the Junior-High.
The reason for us becoming best friends was the estbalishment of
the Cre8 corporation.
When Cre8 was formed Amir became it's graphics man.
Since that day Amir and I became best friends and we did almost
everything together.
The pick moment of our friendship was our visit to the U.S. along
with Fruchtman, who also became one of my closest and best friends.
In the U.S. we spent 11 days together.
Although we had alot of gliches along the way and some misunderstandings
Amir was, is and will be one of my best and closest friends.
I say this today louder then ever because of the misunderstandings
and the small fights, because it's the proof of our strong relations.
The fact that we were able to pass and overcome those problems
shows that me and Amir both want to remain best friends, and nothing
can stop it.
I will not hide the truth, during these days I become disturbed
from certian facts, nevertheless, I am confident that along with
Amir, like always, we will be able to solve the problems, I am certian
we will.
Let me say and re-state it again: I want more then ever to remain
Amir's best friend. I will do everything to accomplish this goal,
and I hope that Amir shares the same view.
My only note to you Amir is this:
Do you remeber our first major fight? (The Racer thing)
You said to me then that you belive that I am neglecting you and
I do not care what is happening.
I heard what you said and I did everything in my powers to fix
it because I was wrong.
Friendship is shared by both people. Friend helps friend and the
nature of friendship is double sided.
Think about it, look back and tell me what happened since that
Amir is a wounderful person.
He is very intellegent, smart and a good human being.
He's eternal happines shines light on us all.
Amir has great relations with almost everyone he meets.
People who get to know him understand how good and nice a person
can be.
Lately, Amir became addicted with Basketball.
Not along time ago he didn't know what basketball is but today,
after alot of hard effort and work he knows vertually everything
about the game.
This seriosness and effort is very appreciated by me.
Before Cre8 came to an end Amir was it's graphics man and created
alot of wounderful graphics for Cre8 and even for my site.
ANN's logo, for example, is one of Amir's works.
A couple of month ago Amir opened a satiric website about ANN called
During a period of one month both our sites exchanged fire and
generated wounderful satiric and funny metirial.
In honor of UNANN and Amir's efforts I created a special section
on ANN for his site. You can find the section
over here.
Remember, it's not serious!!
Amir has alot of unique and wounderful talents.
From graphics, to qunique opinions and ideas, Amir is an example
of a modest, serious and smart man.
And for another important note: the good time I have with Amir
and the gang is not-replacable and is the best time I have. It is
so great that I don't have the words to describe it.
As a proof, you are welcomed to visit the 'Old
News' section on ANN and find a glimpse into what we do together.
I will not neglect and wount run from disturbing facts:
I know there is a major problem between Amir, Adi and Chen.
I am confident more then ever that Amir understands that they are
my friends too.
I know that because our STRONG friendship we both understand each
other about this fact.
I am grateful for Amir's understanding. I know that other people
- not as close to me like Amir would have never understood me.
For conclustion ladies and gentlemen, there you have it:
Amir Buksboum, a good human being and a real friend.
A friend so reall that I am quite sure that he is one in a Million.
I am more then certian that this line will be more then true 50
years from now.
Somehow I have a feeling that our friendship has only begun.
Amir, thank's for your support and understanding.
A note to all my other dear and close friends:
The ones who I am talking about, know I belive that the next phrase
is ment for them:
You are important to me like you were my own brothers.
I hope you belive me when I say, that I belive a true friendship
is one of the best things life can give.
I know who are my friends, and I will never ever do anything to
harm you.
I do mistakes, and sometimes they are really stupid and idiotic,
I am very sorry for them.
I try to do my best to make the best.
If you ever have a problem with something I do, please tell me,
I will do anything in my powers to fix it.
Thank you all.
The original spot-light:
"Amir Buksboum, Cre8.
Amir was born in 1984, Israel.
Today, he is 16 years old (a little baby) and studies in High School.
Amir joined Cre8 in 1999, after ANLY
(our old compony) begun a massive recruit of new members.
Amir is known for his great graphics, and design talent. In Cre8,
he makes all the graphics.
Amir loves Sci-Fi, watching movies, playing basketball and hanging
out with his friends.
He has a great sense of humor and can emitate alot of sounds, sometimes
his friends describe these strange sounds as - "Buksy Surround"
Amir studies Bio-Tech in the "National Geographic" Yud
Alef - 4 class.
Corrently, Amir has no girl-friend, although he is in a massive
searching prosses, so, girls, if you are intrested, call him :)
Arik Liderman told ANN: "You have to see and know the guy
to find his amazing talent, he is a great person and has an amazing
sense of humor!"
Last year, Amir and Arik went to the US and had to tolerate each
other for 11 straight days!!!
Eventually they succeeded, and untill today, for two years now,
they are good friends.
A sketch of Amir
Amir, on your right, Fruchtman on your left.
A picture of one of my satiric articles regarding
UNANN and Amir
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